Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

american collection agency

ACIA's Credit Recovery Center outsources collections to associates

Restructured to add even more benefits to the thousands of members of the Commercial and Industrial Association of Americana, CRC (Credit Recovery Center) collects debts for associated companies. The advantage of having the CRC services is that the renegotiation and the receipt of the debt is done directly by the ACIA team, without generating wear and tear between the company and the debtor.

Opting for debt collection by a CRC, according to the director of the Central Credit Protection Service (SCPC), lawyer Marcelo Fiorani, is one of the smart exits to receive. "When the company starts to charge the debtor systematically, there is an image wear. Therefore, a Central specialized in collecting knows how to approach the debtor, how to renegotiate the debts and becomes an excellent investment, because the great majority of the debts are paid with the reduction of the operational costs, explained.

Agility and efficiency

Another advantage, according to Fiorani, lies in the interconnected data network that ACIA maintains. "When a consumer goes to the counter to check his name, and if the company has already included it in the SCPC, at that moment even the CRC begins to negotiate, which makes the credit recovery process more efficient and agile" , added the lawyer and director of SCPC.

What charges does the CRC do from ACIA?

In its 55 years of existence, ACIA offers services and products of excellence to its members. With the Credit Recovery Center is no different! A team specializing in collections and trained to collect bills, checks, promissory notes, credit cards, service contracts, that is, anything that represents legal value.

In addition to the entrepreneur receiving the debt, all intermediated by the CRC of the ACIA, the recovery of credit allows the customer to buy back in the establishment. "Often the customer wants to pay but can not renegotiate. When we recover the debt, the customer returns to buy in the store and the businessman has a quick return on working capital, "said Fiorani.

Learn more about CRC

With CRC giving support to companies, entrepreneurs can invest in increasing the customer base, without wasting time and money performing their charges.

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